Total Area of the Country - 3287263
Length of Cost line - 8118 kms
Exclusive Economic Zone - 2.02 million sq. km
Continental Shelf Area - 0.53 million sq. km
Percentage of World Area - 2.42 per cent (7th Place)
Forest & Tree Cover Area - 782871 sq. km (23.81% of the total area)
Total Forest Cover Area (Including 4662 km2 area under mangroves) - 692027 sq. km (21.05% of the total geographical area)
Agricultural Land / Cultivable Land (2011-12) - 181.98 million hectare
Cultivated Land (2011-12) - 155.52 million hectare
Net Area sown (2011-12) - 140.801 million hectare
Per Capital Agricultural Land (2011-12) - 0.151 hectare
Gross Irrigated Area - 91.53 million hectare (46.9% of Gross sown area)
Rainfed Area as % of net sown area - 53.1%
Largest State (Areawise) - Rajasthan
Smallest State (Areawise) - Goa
State touchingboundaries of Maximum States - Uttar Pradesh (Touches boundaries of 8 States - Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, M.P., Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar)
Area under foodgrains (2011-12) 123.37 million hectares (88.0% of net sown area)