MUSIC - Two main schools of classical music - Hindustani and Carnatic. - This has led to the existence of familly traditions called gharanas and sampradays. DANCE - Dance in India has an unbroken tradition of over 2,000 years. - Its themes are derived from mythology, legends and classical literature, two main divisions being classical and folk. - Classical dance forms are based on ancient da...

- Sangeet Natak Akademi, India's National Academy of Music, Dance and Drama, is a pioneer in creation of modern India that led politically to India's freedom in 1947. - The ephemeral quality of the arts, and the need for their preservation led to the adapting of a democratic system in which the common man had the opportunity to learn, practise and propagate the art. - In 1945, Asiatic Society of...

LALIT KALA AKADEMI - To promote and propagate understanding of India art, both within and outside the country, the Government of India established Lalit Kala Akademi (National Akademi of Arts) at New Delhi on 5 August, 1954. - The Akademi has regional centres called Rashtriya Lalit Kala Kendras at Lucknow, Kolkata, chennai, Garhi in New Delhi, Shimla and Bhubaneswar with workshop facilities in p...

- Kerala ranks first in the country with a literacy rate of 93.91 per cent, closely followed by Lakshadweep (92028 per cent ) and Miroram (91.58 per cent). - Bihar with a literacy rate of 63.82 % ranks in the country preceded by Arunchal Pradesh (66.95%) and Rajasthan (67.06%). - Among the major States, Maharashtra (82.91%) comes after Kerals, followed by Tamil Nadu. (80.33%). - The States and...

- For the purpose of census 2011, a person aged seven and above, who can both read and write with understanding in any language, is teated as literate. - A person, who can only read but cannot write, is not literate. In the censuses prior to 1991, children below five year of age were necessarily treated as illiterates. - The results of 2011 census reveal that there has been an increase in liter...