With the growth of British paramountcy in India, more than one-third of the people of India came under indirect influence of the British government through the existence of the native princely states. They very creation of the native princely states, was meant to subserve the colonial interests of the British government often the British referred to the princely states as'the bull works of the British colonialism'. However the growth of popular movements in the native princely states was a result of much a suppression of the British as that of the princely states.


1. "The general distres among the different sections of the society in the native princely states was alarmingly high;" by the end of nineteenth century, the conditions of the peasants were deplorable, than their counterparts in British India. The artisans were the worst affected sections in the domestic echonomy and as well dur to the disindustrilisation of the British all over India. However it was the middle class that spearheaded the mass movements in princely states, championing the causes of peasants and workers, against the native princes.

2. The process of modernization and westernization spread also to the native princely states. As a result of English education, a new educated intelligentia came into being. generated awareness and lead the popular movements.

3. "The very formation of Indian National Congress in 1885" gave an impetus to the state's people's movement. The All India character of the congress, its popular programmes like Swadeshi and Vandemataram movements and the concept of poorna swaraj had profound impact on the minds of the people of the princely states. In congress, they found an expression for these hopes and ambitions. Infact at every movement, the princely states looked upon at congress for guidance and inspiration.

4. "the role of the british government and" its high-handedness, in the administration of princely states, gave a new spur to the peoples movements. The British in association with the princes, resorted to all soughts of exploitation and suppression of the people. The very creation of the chamber of Indian princes in 1911 was meant to express the solidarity between the British and the native princes.


The origin of the SPM's lay in the very popular agrarian and civil rebellions that took place in India in the later part of the nineteenth century. Even though all the movements were suppressed ruthlessly by the British and the native princes, they undoubtedly marked a beginning in a new direction, finally culminating in the formation of series of democratic organizations and associations. A first step in this regard took place int he formation of praja parishad, a first political organization of its kind, in Baroda in 1917, to focus on all political, social and economic isues of the princely states. From 1918 the example of Baroda was very much followed by the other princely states and different local committees, were formed.

The H. Buttler was appointed for the promotion of better relations between, the native princess and the British. However it was a move to curb the increasing tide of democracy and popular institutions. As a result, the committees recommendations were opposed by the people of pincely states.

With the formation of the "All India States people's Conference in 1927" at the instance of Balwant Rai Mehta, Manmaya Lal Kotari and G.R. Abayankar in the state of Kathiawar. the SPM got more strengthened. The first meeting of AISPC resolved to fight for

1. distinction between private and public finances as per the expenditure of the princes was concerned
2. Local self-government be established with elected representatives
3. seperation of judiciary from the executive
4. no arbitrary taxation on the people.

The conference stood for the overall development of the princely states and further for civil liberties. However the AISPC suffered form its dual character. It could be anti-colonial altogether. Its fight against native princes, was against the traditional feudal order. Till the outbreak of the Quit India movement the princely states did not experience anti-colonialism.